Consulting Services
We provide a range of services related to financial and risk modeling to our clients. Our team has developed and implemented numerous models in banks and other financial institutions. Our methodologies are being used in many financial institutions in South-Eastern Europe and we are actively expanding our client list. Methodologies and services that we offer are ranging from purely regulatory requests regarding Basel methodologies to the following:
Probability-of-default modeling and IRM
LGD Modeling
Optimal collateral allocation with respect to credit risk RWA
Pricing/fair value calculation of derivatives and other complex non-linear products
Assessing the exposure to operational risk (operational risk VaR)
Forecasting of treasury and Libor yield curves
Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected shortfall (ES) methodologies (historical and analytical simulation, and Monte Carlo models)
Back-testing of VaR and ES models
Running regressions of default rates on macroeconomic variables to determine forward-looking scenarios and Point-in-Time PD transformations
Forecasting of macroeconomic variables in Point-in-Time PD transformations
Calculation of historical z-shift parameter based on transition matrix and regressing z-shift on macroeconomic variables to determine forward-looking scenarios and Point-in-Time PD
Running regressions of LGD on macroeconomic variables to determine forward-looking LGD;
Credit rating and scoring methodologies for calculating PD
Risk-based pricing
Credit rating and scoring methodologies for calculating LGD
Asset and liability management
Internal capital assessment (ICAAP) and Internal liquidity assessment (ILAAP) methodologies, as a consulting addition to our ICAAP and ILAAP Assist modules