RiskGuard* 3.2 is a software solution for risk management, enabling Basel III Pillar 1 and 2 calculations, as well as fulfilling regulatory and financial reporting standards. In addition to offering streamlined calculation of key indicators, the solution includes compliance reporting based on localizable COREP templates. Powerful routines used in calculations are optimized for working with large banking and trading books. Calculations are typically done on premise, on a server infrastructure on the larger client infrastructure. The user can access the results via a graphic interface, as well generate required reports.
Our data model has been designed to enable full automatization of required calculations. No manual data entry would be required following implementation. We can, on request, customize data entry.
The solution is developed in a multi-layered architecture. Its basic components are:
RiskGuard* 3.2 DataMart
RiskGuard* 3.2 Core – calculation engine
Graphical user interface, authentication and security layer
The solution is fully modular. In addition to a core license pack, our clients typically include one or more of the following modules:
CR Module (Credit Risk, Concentration Risk, Counterparty Risk)
MR Module (Market Risk, with or without TB)
LCR Module
NSFR Module
OR Module
ICAAP Assist Module
ILAAP Assist Module
IRRBB Module
ALM Module
Market Portfolio Management Module
Regulatory Reporting Module (EBA, local)
Regulatory reporting is fully automated, and fully compliant with Basel III framework, and it can be calibrated locally where allowed. We enable COREP reporting for Pillar 1 risks, such as credit, concentration, counterparty, liquidity, market (with or without trading book), in xlsx and xml formats
Pillar 2 risks, what-if and stress test reports, for various capital add-ons
Various ALM-related reports, such as term and currency structure of cash flows
Customized reports for internal, regulatory or consolidated reporting
All interim calculations are being saved for audit purposes
Our RiskGuard* and Select-9* solutions share our HyperStudio* user interface, with the following features:
Multi-lingual interface
Multi-user access with flexible user roles and permissions
Agile software support
Fully automated data validation
Fully automated calculations
Analytics, custom and regulatory reporting generation